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Experimental Research
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DEXA Scanning
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Polyethylene Wear
Hip Dysplasia
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Health Economic Research
Bone and Joint Decade
NOF Congress 2010

It is essential to study the effect (i.e. physical function, QOL, and return-to-work) and subsequently the costs of preoperative rehabilitation (conditioning of the body and mind for surgery) and rehabilitation if we as a society wants to improve patient outcome after common surgical procedures. There is lack of scientific knowledge about which parameters have clinical impact on the preoperative phase, what kind of rehabilitation works, how intensive it should be, and how long the intervention should last. Also, good methodological studies are needed to improve and develop the research methods in this field.

Our research strategy for rehabilitation is to carry out interdisciplinary studies to document the needs, the benefits, the costs, and the effects of rehabilitation, both pre- and postoperatively, focusing on functional capacity, QOL, and health economic aspects. Our primary target group is patients with self-reported low physical function and poor psychological resources.

Contact Inger Mechlenburg for further information.


Hip displacements and correctable scoliosis were prevalent in children with cerebral palsy registered in a Danish follow-up programme from 2010 to 2020.
Krarup LH, Kristensen PK, Stisen MB, Nordbye-Nielsen K, Mechlenburg I.
Low-load exercises with concurrent blood flow restriction as rehabilitation for unspecific knee pain to a former American football player: A case report
Mechlenburg I, Nielsen TG, Kristensen N, Bentzen A, Jørgensen SL.
Football players with hip dysplasia: The relationship between muscle strength, functional performance, self-reported sport and recreation, cartilage defects and sex. A cross-sectional study
O'Brien MJM, Kemp JL, Semciw AI, Mechlenburg I, Jacobsen JS, King MG, Scholes MJ, Lawrenson PR, Crossley K, Agricola R, Souza RB, Heerey J.
 Ortopædkirurgisk Forskning Aarhus Universitetshospital Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99 Indgang J 8200 Aarhus N Tel: +45 7846 7471 
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